Untamed New England Master Event Schedule
Race Schedule
📨 Mon Feb 5th 2018 - 1
st race Captain Communication goes out via email
📨 TBD spring 2018 - additional race Captain Communication goes out via email (probably one or two, depending on circumstances)
📨 Tue July 10th 2018 - Final race Captain Communication goes out via email (includes course overview with order of activities, logistics plan, and general distances;
click here to download a sample of this from a previous edition of the race)
Tues 24 July 2018 8:30 AM-12 PM - Untamed New England Expedition Race check-in & Gear Collection at race host venue*
Here is the time windows assigned to each team for check-in:

Tues 24 July 2018 1:30 PM - Official race welcome, course overview, transportation to race start region*
Tues 24 July 2018 9 PM - Detailed race briefing in-country; meal and lodging provided to all teams✠
Weds 25 July 2018 5 AM - Race Captains Meeting (Q & A)✠
Weds 25 July 2018 5:30 AM - Overnight bag drop (1 per team)✠
Weds 25 July 2018 7:00 AM - Race start✠
Sat 28 July 2018 morning - Winning team reaches the finish line (estimated)✠
Sun 29 July 2018 5:30 AM - Race course closes & final transport back to the race host venue✠
Sun 29 July 2018 11:30 AM - Offical Untamed New England awards ceremony and brunch*
* indicates scheduled activity takes place at the race host venue (Durham, New Hampshire -- see
venue details for more)
✠ indicates a scheduled activity takes place
not at the race host venue